Digital Image Correlation Engine  Version 1.0
A modular, high-performance, image correlation tool used to compute full-field displacements and strains from digital images
Public Types | Public Member Functions | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes | List of all members
DICe::Schema Class Reference

The centralized container for the correlation plan and parameters. More...

#include <DICe_Schema.h>

Public Types

typedef Teuchos::RCP< MultiFieldmf_rcp
 Multifield RCP.
typedef Teuchos::RCP< MultiField_Mapmap_rcp
 Map RCP.
typedef Teuchos::RCP< MultiField_Exporterexp_rcp
 Exporter RCP.
typedef Teuchos::RCP< MultiField_Importerimp_rcp
 Importer RCP.
typedef Teuchos::RCP< MultiField_Commcomm_rcp
 Communicator RCP.

Public Member Functions

 Schema (const Teuchos::RCP< Teuchos::ParameterList > &correlation_params=Teuchos::null)
 do nothing constructor
 Schema (const Teuchos::RCP< Teuchos::ParameterList > &input_params, const Teuchos::RCP< Teuchos::ParameterList > &correlation_params)
 Constructor that takes a parameter list. More...
 Schema (const std::string &input_file_name, const std::string &params_file_name)
 Constructor that takes string name of a parameter list file. More...
 Schema (const Teuchos::RCP< Teuchos::ParameterList > &input_params, const Teuchos::RCP< Teuchos::ParameterList > &correlation_params, const Teuchos::RCP< Schema > &schema)
 Constructor that takes a parameter list. More...
 Schema (const int_t roi_width, const int_t roi_height, const int_t step_size_x, const int_t step_size_y, const int_t subset_size, const Teuchos::RCP< Teuchos::ParameterList > &params=Teuchos::null)
 Constructor that takes a parameter list and equally spaced subsets. More...
 Schema (Teuchos::ArrayRCP< scalar_t > coords_x, Teuchos::ArrayRCP< scalar_t > coords_y, const int_t subset_size, Teuchos::RCP< std::map< int_t, Conformal_Area_Def > > conformal_subset_defs=Teuchos::null, Teuchos::RCP< std::vector< int_t > > neighbor_ids=Teuchos::null, const Teuchos::RCP< Teuchos::ParameterList > &params=Teuchos::null)
 Constructor that takes a set of coordinates for the subsets and conformal definitions. More...
void set_params (const Teuchos::RCP< Teuchos::ParameterList > &params)
void set_params (const std::string &params_file_name)
 sets a schema's parameters with the name of a parameters xml file More...
void update_extents (const bool use_transformation_augmentation=false)
 set the extents of the image to be used when only reading a portion of the image More...
bool has_extents () const
 returns true if image extents are being used
std::vector< int_tref_extents () const
 returns the local reference extents of the schema on this processor (defines how much of an image is actually used)
std::vector< int_tdef_extents () const
 returns the local deformed extents of the schema on this processor (defines how much of an image is actually used)
void set_def_image (const std::string &defName)
 Replace the deformed image for this Schema.
void set_def_image (const int_t img_width, const int_t img_height, const Teuchos::ArrayRCP< intensity_t > defRCP, const int_t id=0)
 Replace the deformed image using an intensity array.
void set_def_image (Teuchos::RCP< Image > img, const int_t id=0)
 Replace the deformed image using an image.
void set_prev_image (Teuchos::RCP< Image > img, const int_t id=0)
 Replace the previous image using an image.
void rotate_def_image ()
 Rotate the deformed image if requested.
void set_ref_image (const std::string &refName)
 Replace the deformed image for this Schema.
void set_ref_image (const int_t img_width, const int_t img_height, const Teuchos::ArrayRCP< intensity_t > refRCP)
 Replace the deformed image using an intensity array.
void set_ref_image (Teuchos::RCP< Image > img)
 Replace the reference image using an image.
int_t execute_correlation ()
int_t execute_cross_correlation ()
void project_right_image_into_left_frame (Teuchos::RCP< Triangulation > tri, const bool reference)
void execute_post_processors ()
 Run the post processors.
int_t initialize_cross_correlation (Teuchos::RCP< Triangulation > tri, const Teuchos::RCP< Teuchos::ParameterList > &input_params)
void save_cross_correlation_fields ()
 Save off the q and r fields once the mapping from left to right image is known.
int_t execute_triangulation (Teuchos::RCP< Triangulation > tri, Teuchos::RCP< Schema > right_schema)
int_t execute_triangulation (Teuchos::RCP< Triangulation > tri)
void post_execution_tasks ()
 do clean up tasks
int_t is_initialized () const
 Returns if the field storage is initilaized.
Teuchos::RCP< Imageref_img () const
 Returns a pointer to the reference DICe::Image.
Teuchos::RCP< Imagedef_img (const int_t index=0) const
 Returns a pointer to the deformed DICe::Image.
const std::vector< Teuchos::RCP< Image > > * def_imgs () const
 return a pointer to the def images vector
Teuchos::RCP< Imageprev_img (const int_t index=0) const
 Returns a pointer to the preivous DICe::Image.
const std::vector< Teuchos::RCP< Image > > * prev_imgs () const
 return a pointer to the def images vector
int_t max_solver_iterations_fast () const
 Returns the max solver iterations allowed for the fast (gradient based) algorithm.
int_t max_solver_iterations_robust () const
 Returns the max solver iterations allowed for the robust (simplex) algorithm.
double robust_solver_tolerance () const
 Returns the robust solver convergence tolerance.
double skip_solve_gamma_threshold () const
 Returns the threshold for gamma where the solve will be skipped if gamma < threshold.
double fast_solver_tolerance () const
 Returns the fast solver convergence tolerance.
double robust_delta_disp () const
 Returns the variation applied to the displacement initial guess in the simplex method.
double robust_delta_theta () const
 Returns the variation applied to the rotation initial guess in the simplex method.
int_t img_width () const
 Returns the reference and deformed image width.
int_t img_height () const
 Returns the reference and deformed image height.
int_t strain_window_size (const int_t post_processor_index) const
int_t subset_dim () const
void set_subset_dim (const int_t subset_dim)
 Sets the size of square subsets (not used for conformal) More...
int_t step_size_x () const
void set_step_size (const int_t step_size_x, const int_t step_size_y)
 Sets the step sizes for this schema. More...
void set_step_size (const int_t step_size)
 Sets the step sizes for this schema. More...
int_t step_size_y () const
int_t global_num_subsets () const
 Returns the global number of correlation points.
int_t local_num_subsets () const
 Returns the local number of correlation points.
Analysis_Type analysis_type () const
 Returns true if the analysis is global DIC.
mv_scalar_type & global_field_value (const int_t global_id, const DICe::field_enums::Field_Spec spec)
 Return the value of the given field at the given global id (must be local to this process) More...
mv_scalar_type & local_field_value (const int_t local_id, const DICe::field_enums::Field_Spec spec)
 Return the value of the given field at the given local id (must be local to this process) More...
void save_off_fields (const int_t global_id)
 Save off the current solution into the storage for frame n - 1 (only used if projection_method is VELOCITY_BASED) More...
void print_fields (const std::string &fileName="")
 Print the field values to screen or to a file. More...
Teuchos::RCP< std::map< int_t, Conformal_Area_Def > > conformal_subset_defs ()
 Returns a pointer to the Conformal_Subset_Def vector.
Correlation_Routine correlation_routine () const
 Returns the correlation routine (see DICe_Types.h for valid values)
Interpolation_Method interpolation_method () const
 Returns the interpolation method (see DICe_Types.h for valid values)
Gradient_Method gradient_method () const
 Returns the interpolation method (see DICe_Types.h for valid values)
Optimization_Method optimization_method () const
 Returns the optimization method (see DICe_Types.h for valid values)
Initialization_Method initialization_method () const
 Returns the initilaization method (see DICe_Types.h for valid values)
Projection_Method projection_method () const
 Returns the projection method (see DICe_Types.h for valid values)
void prepare_optimization_initializers ()
 set up the initializers
Status_Flag initial_guess (const int_t subset_gid, Teuchos::RCP< Local_Shape_Function > shape_function)
void write_control_points_image (const std::string &fileName, const bool use_def_image=false, const bool use_one_point=false)
 Create an image that shows the correlation points. More...
void write_output (const std::string &output_folder, const std::string &prefix="DICe_solution", const bool separate_files_per_subset=false, const bool separate_header_file=false, const bool no_text_output=false)
 Write the solution vector to a text file. More...
void write_stats (const std::string &output_folder, const std::string &prefix="DICe_solution")
 Write the stats for a completed run. More...
void write_deformed_subsets_image (const bool use_gamma_as_color=false)
 Write an image that shows all the subsets' current positions and shapes using the current field values. More...
void write_reference_subset_intensity_image (Teuchos::RCP< Objective > obj)
 Write an image for each subset that shows the reference intensities for this frame. More...
void write_deformed_subset_intensity_image (Teuchos::RCP< Objective > obj)
 Write an image for each subset that shows the deformed intensities for this frame. More...
void write_deformed_subsets_image_new ()
 Write an image that shows all the subsets current position and shape field values from. More...
void check_for_blocking_subsets (const int_t subset_global_id)
 See if any of the subsets have crossed each other's paths blocking each other. More...
void generic_correlation_routine (Teuchos::RCP< Objective > obj)
 Orchestration of how the correlation is conducted. A correlation routine involves a number of steps. The first is to initialize a guess for the given subset, followed by actually performing the correlation. There are a number of checks that happen along the way. The user can request that the initial guess provide a matching gamma value that is below a certain threshold. The user can also request that the final solution meet certain criteria. There are a coupl different approaches to the correlation itself. Using the DICe::GRADIENT_BASED method is similar to most other gradient-based techniques wherein the image gradients provided by the speckle pattern drive the optimization routine to the solution. The DICe::SIMPLEX method on the other hand does not require image gradients. It uses a sophisticated bisection-like technique to arrive at the solution. More...
bool motion_detected (const int_t subset_gid)
void record_failed_step (const int_t subset_gid, const int_t status, const int_t num_iterations)
void record_step (Teuchos::RCP< Objective > obj, Teuchos::RCP< Local_Shape_Function > shape_function, const scalar_t &sigma, const scalar_t &match, const scalar_t &gamma, const scalar_t &beta, const scalar_t &noise, const scalar_t &contrast, const int_t active_pixels, const int_t status, const int_t num_iterations)
bool use_objective_regularization () const
 Returns true if regularization should be used in the objective evaluation.
bool use_incremental_formulation () const
 returns true if the incremental formulation is used
bool use_nonlinear_projection () const
 returns true if the nonlinear projection is used
Shape_Function_Type shape_function_type () const
 Returns true if all quadratic shape functions are enabled.
bool translation_enabled () const
 Returns true if translation shape functions are enabled.
bool rotation_enabled () const
 Returns true if rotation shape functions are enabled.
bool normal_strain_enabled () const
 Returns true if normal strain shape functions are enabled.
bool shear_strain_enabled () const
 Returns true if shear strain shape functions are enabled.
bool output_deformed_subset_images () const
 Print images with the deformed shape of the subset:
bool output_evolved_subset_images () const
 Print images with the evolved intensity profile.
bool output_beta () const
 Returns true if the beta parameter is computed by the objective.
bool write_exodus_output () const
 Returns true if exodus output should be written.
bool use_subset_evolution () const
 Evolve subsets as more pixels become visible that were previously obstructed.
bool skip_all_solves () const
 Returns true if all solves should be skipped.
bool normalize_gamma_with_active_pixels () const
 True if the gamma values should be normalized by the number of active pixels.
void set_normalize_gamma_with_active_pixels (const bool flag)
void set_shape_function_type (const Shape_Function_Type sft)
 Enable translation shape functions.
void enable_translation (const bool flag)
 Enable translation shape functions.
void enable_rotation (const bool flag)
 Enable rotation shape functions.
void enable_normal_strain (const bool flag)
 Enable normal strain shape functions.
void enable_shear_strain (const bool flag)
 Enable shear strain shape functions.
void update_frame_id ()
 Updates the current image frame number.
int_t frame_id () const
 Returns the current image frame (Nonzero only if multiple images are included in the sequence)
int_t first_frame_id () const
 Returns the first image frame (Nonzero only if multiple images are included in the sequence)
void set_frame_range (const int_t start_id, const int_t num_frames, const int_t frame_skip)
int_t num_frames () const
 Returns the number of images in the set (-1 if it has not been set)
bool has_output_spec () const
 Returns true if the output has a specific order to the fields.
double obstruction_skin_factor () const
 Returns the size of the obstruction skin.
double levenberg_marquardt_regularization_factor () const
 Returns the factor to use for regularization.
int_t pixel_integration_order () const
 Returns the integration order for each pixel.
const std::vector< Teuchos::RCP< Post_Processor > > * post_processors ()
 Return access to the post processors vector.
std::vector< int_t > * pixels_owning_element_global_id ()
 Provide access to the list of owning elements for each pixel.
double theta_jump_tol () const
 Return the jump tolerance for rotations.
double disp_jump_tol () const
 Return the jump tolerance for displacements.
void set_path_file_names (Teuchos::RCP< std::map< int_t, std::string > > path_file_names)
void set_skip_solve_flags (Teuchos::RCP< std::map< int_t, std::vector< int_t > > > skip_solve_flags)
Teuchos::RCP< std::map< int_t, std::vector< int_t > > > skip_solve_flags () const
 Returns a pointer to the skip solve flags.
void set_optical_flow_flags (Teuchos::RCP< std::map< int_t, bool > > optical_flow_flags)
void set_motion_window_params (Teuchos::RCP< std::map< int_t, Motion_Window_Params > > motion_window_params)
Teuchos::RCP< std::map< int_t, Motion_Window_Params > > motion_window_params ()
 returns a pointer to the motion window params of the schema
bool has_initial_condition_file () const
 returns true if an initial condition file has been specified
std::string initial_condition_file () const
 returns the string name of the initial conditions file
void estimate_resolution_error (const Teuchos::RCP< Teuchos::ParameterList > &correlation_params, std::string &output_folder, std::string &resolution_output_folder, std::string &prefix, Teuchos::RCP< std::ostream > &outStream)
void set_obstructing_subset_ids (Teuchos::RCP< std::map< int_t, std::vector< int_t > > > id_vec)
 EXPERIMENTAL sets the layering order of subets. More...
void set_force_simplex (Teuchos::RCP< std::set< int_t > > ids)
 forces simplex method for certain subsets More...
int_t subset_global_id (const int_t local_id)
int_t subset_local_id (const int_t global_id)
Teuchos::RCP< Teuchos::ParameterList > get_params ()
 Returns a pointer to the params that were used to construct this schema.
Teuchos::RCP< Stat_Containerstat_container ()
 returns a pointer to the stats class
std::vector< Teuchos::RCP< Objective > > * obj_vec ()
 return a pointer to the objective vector
Teuchos::RCP< DICe::mesh::Mesh > & mesh ()
 return a pointer to the mesh object that holds all the fields and maps
std::vector< int_tthis_proc_gid_order () const
 return a copy of the gid order for this processor
Teuchos::RCP< Image_Deformerimage_deformer () const
 returns a pointer to the image deformer used for error estimation

Private Member Functions

void initialize (const Teuchos::RCP< Teuchos::ParameterList > &input_params, const Teuchos::RCP< Teuchos::ParameterList > &correlation_params)
 Initializes the data structures for the schema. More...
void initialize (const Teuchos::RCP< Teuchos::ParameterList > &input_params, const Teuchos::RCP< Schema > schema)
 Initializes the data structures for the schema using another schema. More...
void initialize (Teuchos::RCP< Decomp > decomp, const int_t subset_size, Teuchos::RCP< std::map< int_t, Conformal_Area_Def > > conformal_subset_defs=Teuchos::null)
 Initializes the data structures for the schema. More...
void default_constructor_tasks (const Teuchos::RCP< Teuchos::ParameterList > &params)
 Sets the default values for the schema's member data and other initialization tasks. More...
void create_mesh (Teuchos::RCP< Decomp > decomp)
 Create an exodus mesh for output. More...
void create_mesh_fields ()
 create all of the fields necessary on the mesh

Private Attributes

comm_rcp comm_
 Pointer to communicator (can be serial)
Teuchos::RCP< DICe::mesh::Meshmesh_
std::vector< int_tthis_proc_gid_order_
 Keeps track of the order of gids local to this process.
std::vector< Teuchos::RCP< Objective > > obj_vec_
 Vector of objective classes.
Teuchos::RCP< Imageref_img_
 Pointer to reference image.
std::vector< Teuchos::RCP< Image > > def_imgs_
std::vector< Teuchos::RCP< Image > > prev_imgs_
std::vector< Teuchos::RCP< Post_Processor > > post_processors_
 Vector of pointers to the post processing utilities.
bool has_post_processor_
 True if any post_processors have been activated.
std::map< int_t, Teuchos::RCP< Initializer > > opt_initializers_
 map of pointers to initializers (used to initialize first guess for optimization routine)
std::map< int_t, Teuchos::RCP< Motion_Test_Utility > > motion_detectors_
 vector of pointers to motion detectors for a specific subset
std::vector< int_tpixels_owning_element_global_id_
 For constrained optimiation, this lists the owning element global id for each pixel:
int_t subset_dim_
 Connectivity matrix for the global DIC method. More...
int_t step_size_x_
 Regular grid subset spacing in x direction (used only if subsets are not conformal)
int_t step_size_y_
 Regular grid subset spacing in y direction (used only if subsets are not conformal)
Teuchos::RCP< std::map< int_t, Conformal_Area_Def > > conformal_subset_defs_
 Map of subset id and geometry definition.
int_t max_evolution_iterations_
 Maximum number of iterations in the subset evolution routine.
int_t max_solver_iterations_fast_
 Maximum solver iterations for computeUpdateFast() for an objective.
int_t max_solver_iterations_robust_
 Maximum solver iterations for computeUpdateRobust() for an objective.
double fast_solver_tolerance_
 Fase solver convergence tolerance.
double robust_solver_tolerance_
 Robust solver convergence tolerance.
double skip_solve_gamma_threshold_
 If gamma is less than this for the initial guess, the solve is skipped.
bool skip_all_solves_
 skip the solve for all subsets and just use the initial guess as the solution
int_t global_num_subsets_
 The global number of correlation points.
int_t local_num_subsets_
 The local number of correlation points.
bool has_output_spec_
 Are the output fields and columns specified by the user?
Teuchos::RCP< DICe::Output_Specoutput_spec_
 Determines how the output is formatted.
int_t frame_id_
 Stores current fame number for a sequence of images.
int_t first_frame_id_
 Stores the offset to the first image's index (cine files can start with a negative index)
int_t frame_skip_
 Stores the striding of the frames.
int_t num_frames_
 Stores the number of images in the sequence.
double disp_jump_tol_
double theta_jump_tol_
double robust_delta_disp_
 int_t of the variation to apply to the initial displacement guess used to construct the simplex
double robust_delta_theta_
 int_t of the variation to apply to the initial rotation guess used to construct the simplex
int_t pixel_integration_order_
 Determines how many subdivisions each pixel is cut into for integration purposes.
double obstruction_skin_factor_
 Factor that increases or decreases the size of obstructions.
Correlation_Routine correlation_routine_
Interpolation_Method interpolation_method_
Gradient_Method gradient_method_
Optimization_Method optimization_method_
Initialization_Method initialization_method_
Projection_Method projection_method_
Analysis_Type analysis_type_
 Analysis type.
Shape_Function_Type shape_function_type_
 Shape function type.
bool enable_translation_
 Enable translation.
bool enable_rotation_
 Enable rotation.
bool enable_normal_strain_
 Enable normal strain.
bool enable_shear_strain_
 Enable shear strain.
Teuchos::RCP< std::map< int_t, std::vector< int_t > > > obstructing_subset_ids_
 If subsets cross paths and obstruct each other, the obstructed pixels are removed for the blocked subset this vector stores a vector of obstructing subset ids that have the potential to block the subset associated with the outer vector index.
Teuchos::RCP< std::set< int_t > > force_simplex_
 force simplex for these ids
bool gauss_filter_images_
 filter the images using a gauss_filter_mask_size_ point gauss filter
bool filter_failed_cine_pixels_
 filter the images using a gauss_filter_mask_size_ point gauss filter
int_t gauss_filter_mask_size_
 filter the images using a gauss_filter_mask_size_ point gauss filter
bool compute_ref_gradients_
 Compute the reference image gradients.
bool compute_def_gradients_
 Compute the deformed image gradients.
bool output_deformed_subset_images_
 Output images of the deformed subsets at each frame (shapes not intensity profiles)
bool output_deformed_subset_intensity_images_
 Output images of the deformed subsets at each frame (intensity profiles)
bool output_evolved_subset_images_
 Output images of the evolved subset at each frame.
bool use_subset_evolution_
 Use subset evolution (Fill in the reference subset pixels as they become visible in subsequent frames)
bool override_force_simplex_
 override the forcing of simplex method for blocking subsets
bool normalize_gamma_with_active_pixels_
 True if the gamma values (match quality) should be normalized with the number of active pixels.
double levenberg_marquardt_regularization_factor_
 regularization factor
bool is_initialized_
 Solution vector and subsets are initialized.
Teuchos::RCP< Teuchos::ParameterList > init_params_
 Pointer to the parameters whith which this schema was initialized.
Rotation_Value ref_image_rotation_
 Rotate the reference image by 180 degrees.
Rotation_Value def_image_rotation_
 Rotate the defomed image by 180 degrees.
Teuchos::RCP< std::map< int_t, std::string > > path_file_names_
 Map to hold the names of the path files for each subset.
Teuchos::RCP< std::map< int_t, bool > > optical_flow_flags_
 Map to optical flow initializers.
Teuchos::RCP< std::map< int_t, std::vector< int_t > > > skip_solve_flags_
Teuchos::RCP< std::map< int_t, Motion_Window_Params > > motion_window_params_
double initial_gamma_threshold_
 tolerance for initial gamma
double final_gamma_threshold_
 tolerance for final gamma
double path_distance_threshold_
 tolerance for max_path_distance
bool output_beta_
 true if the beta parameter should be computed by the objective
bool write_exodus_output_
 true if exodus output should be written
bool use_search_initialization_for_failed_steps_
 true if search initialization should be used for failed steps (otherwise the subset is skipped)
Teuchos::RCP< Stat_Containerstat_container_
 keep track of stats for each subset (only for tracking routine)
bool use_incremental_formulation_
 use the previous image as the reference rather than the original ref image
bool sort_txt_output_
 sort the txt output for full field results by coordinates so that they are in ascending order x, then y
std::string initial_condition_file_
 name of the file to read for the initial condition
bool use_nonlinear_projection_
 project the right image onto the left frame of reference using a nonlinear projection
bool has_extents_
 true if only certain portions of the images should be loaded (for example in parallel for large images)
std::vector< int_tref_extents_
 vector that contains the x and y extents for the reference images (x_start_ref, x_end_ref, y_start_ref, y_end_ref)
std::vector< int_tdef_extents_
 vector that contains the x and y extents for the deformed images (x_start_def, x_end_def, y_start_def, y_end_def)
int_t full_ref_img_width_
 store the total image dims (the image size before decomposition across processors)
int_t full_ref_img_height_
 store the total image dims (the image size before decomposition across processors)
Teuchos::RCP< Image_Deformerimage_deformer_
 store a pointer to the image deformer if this is a error estimation run
bool compute_laplacian_image_
 true if the laplacian images should be computed
int_t threshold_block_size_
 size of threshold to use for feature matching when thresholding is included

Detailed Description

The centralized container for the correlation plan and parameters.

This class holds all of the correlation parameters and provides the basic structure for how the correlation steps are executed. Each schema holds a pointer to a reference and deformed DICe::Image. Many of the pre-correlation steps are also done by a DICe::Schema (for example filtering the images, or computing the gradients).

All of the field values are stored by a DICe::Schema which provides an interface to external data structures as well.

Several methods are provided that expose the parameters.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Schema() [1/5]

DICe::Schema::Schema ( const Teuchos::RCP< Teuchos::ParameterList > &  input_params,
const Teuchos::RCP< Teuchos::ParameterList > &  correlation_params 

Constructor that takes a parameter list.

input_paramsthe input parameters contain the image file names and subset size and spacing, etc.
correlation_paramsthe correlation parameters determine the dic algorithm options

◆ Schema() [2/5]

DICe::Schema::Schema ( const std::string &  input_file_name,
const std::string &  params_file_name 

Constructor that takes string name of a parameter list file.

input_file_namefile name of the input.xml file that contains subset locations file names, etc.
params_file_namefile name of the correlation parameters file

◆ Schema() [3/5]

DICe::Schema::Schema ( const Teuchos::RCP< Teuchos::ParameterList > &  input_params,
const Teuchos::RCP< Teuchos::ParameterList > &  correlation_params,
const Teuchos::RCP< Schema > &  schema 

Constructor that takes a parameter list.

input_paramsthe input parameters contain the image file names and subset size and spacing, etc.
correlation_paramsthe correlation parameters determine the dic algorithm options
schemapointer to another schema

◆ Schema() [4/5]

DICe::Schema::Schema ( const int_t  roi_width,
const int_t  roi_height,
const int_t  step_size_x,
const int_t  step_size_y,
const int_t  subset_size,
const Teuchos::RCP< Teuchos::ParameterList > &  params = Teuchos::null 

Constructor that takes a parameter list and equally spaced subsets.

roi_widththe region of interest width
roi_heightthe region of interest height
step_size_xSpacing of the correlation points in x
step_size_ySpacing of the correlation points in y
subset_sizeint_t of the square subsets in pixels
paramsCorrelation parameters

◆ Schema() [5/5]

DICe::Schema::Schema ( Teuchos::ArrayRCP< scalar_t coords_x,
Teuchos::ArrayRCP< scalar_t coords_y,
const int_t  subset_size,
Teuchos::RCP< std::map< int_t, Conformal_Area_Def > >  conformal_subset_defs = Teuchos::null,
Teuchos::RCP< std::vector< int_t > >  neighbor_ids = Teuchos::null,
const Teuchos::RCP< Teuchos::ParameterList > &  params = Teuchos::null 

Constructor that takes a set of coordinates for the subsets and conformal definitions.

coords_xthe x positions of the subset centroids
coords_ythe y positions of the subset centroids
subset_sizeint_t of the subsets, (use -1 if conformals are defined for all subsets, otherwise all subsets without a conformal subset def will be square and assigned this subset size.
conformal_subset_defsOptional definition of conformal subsets
neighbor_idsA vector (of length num_pts) that contains the neighbor id to use when initializing the solution by neighbor value
paramscorrelation parameters

Member Function Documentation

◆ check_for_blocking_subsets()

void DICe::Schema::check_for_blocking_subsets ( const int_t  subset_global_id)

See if any of the subsets have crossed each other's paths blocking each other.

The potential for two subsets to block each other should have been set by calling set_obstructing_subset_ids() on the schema by this point. WARNING: This is meant only for the TRACKING_ROUTINE where there are only a few subsets to track

◆ create_mesh()

void DICe::Schema::create_mesh ( Teuchos::RCP< Decomp decomp)

Create an exodus mesh for output.

decomppointer to a decomposition note: the current parallel design for the subset-based methods is that all subsets are owned by all elements, this enables using the overlap map to collect the solution from other procs because the overlap map and the all owned map are the same. The dist_map is used to define the distributed ownership for which procs will correlate a given subset. This map is one-to-one with no overlap

◆ default_constructor_tasks()

void DICe::Schema::default_constructor_tasks ( const Teuchos::RCP< Teuchos::ParameterList > &  params)

Sets the default values for the schema's member data and other initialization tasks.

paramsOptional correlation parameters

◆ estimate_resolution_error()

void DICe::Schema::estimate_resolution_error ( const Teuchos::RCP< Teuchos::ParameterList > &  correlation_params,
std::string &  output_folder,
std::string &  resolution_output_folder,
std::string &  prefix,
Teuchos::RCP< std::ostream > &  outStream 

estimate the error in the displacement resolution and strain

correlation_paramsparameters to apply to the resolution estimation
output_folderwhere to place the output files
resolution_output_folderwhere to place the spatial resolution output
prefixthe file prefix to use for output files
outStreamoutput stream to write screen output to

◆ execute_correlation()

int_t DICe::Schema::execute_correlation ( )

Conduct the correlation returns 0 if successful

◆ execute_cross_correlation()

int_t DICe::Schema::execute_cross_correlation ( )

Conduct the cross correlation (a modified version of the regular correlation) returns 0 if successful

◆ execute_triangulation()

int_t DICe::Schema::execute_triangulation ( Teuchos::RCP< Triangulation tri,
Teuchos::RCP< Schema right_schema 

Triangulate the current positions of the subset centroids returns 0 if successful

tripointer to a triangulation
right_schemapointer to the right camera's schema (holds the displacement info)

◆ generic_correlation_routine()

void DICe::Schema::generic_correlation_routine ( Teuchos::RCP< Objective obj)

Orchestration of how the correlation is conducted. A correlation routine involves a number of steps. The first is to initialize a guess for the given subset, followed by actually performing the correlation. There are a number of checks that happen along the way. The user can request that the initial guess provide a matching gamma value that is below a certain threshold. The user can also request that the final solution meet certain criteria. There are a coupl different approaches to the correlation itself. Using the DICe::GRADIENT_BASED method is similar to most other gradient-based techniques wherein the image gradients provided by the speckle pattern drive the optimization routine to the solution. The DICe::SIMPLEX method on the other hand does not require image gradients. It uses a sophisticated bisection-like technique to arrive at the solution.

Another major difference between correlation routine options is denoted by DICe::GENERIC_ROUTINE or DICe::TRACKING_ROUTINE. The generic option is intended for full-field displacement cases where there are a number of subsets per image, but not necessarily a lot of images. In this case the subsets are allocated each image or frame. The tracking case is intended for a handful of subsets, but potentially several thousand frames. In this case the subsets are allocated once at the beginning and re-used throughout the analysis.

At a number of points in the process, the subset may evolve in the sense that pixels on an object that become occluded are switched off. Other pixels that initially were blocked and become visible at some point get switched on (this is activated by setting use_subset_evolution in the params file).

objA single DICe::Objective that has a DICe::subset as part of its member data

◆ global_field_value()

mv_scalar_type& DICe::Schema::global_field_value ( const int_t  global_id,
const DICe::field_enums::Field_Spec  spec 

Return the value of the given field at the given global id (must be local to this process)

global_idGlobal ID of the element
specthe Field_Spec of the field to get the value for

◆ initial_guess()

Status_Flag DICe::Schema::initial_guess ( const int_t  subset_gid,
Teuchos::RCP< Local_Shape_Function shape_function 

get an initial guess for the solution

subset_gidthe global id of the subset to initialize
deformation[out] vector containing the intial guess

◆ initialize() [1/3]

void DICe::Schema::initialize ( const Teuchos::RCP< Teuchos::ParameterList > &  input_params,
const Teuchos::RCP< Schema schema 

Initializes the data structures for the schema using another schema.

input_paramspointer to the initialization parameters
schemapointer to another schema

◆ initialize() [2/3]

void DICe::Schema::initialize ( const Teuchos::RCP< Teuchos::ParameterList > &  input_params,
const Teuchos::RCP< Teuchos::ParameterList > &  correlation_params 

Initializes the data structures for the schema.

input_paramspointer to the initialization parameters
correlation_paramspointer to the correlation parameters

◆ initialize() [3/3]

void DICe::Schema::initialize ( Teuchos::RCP< Decomp decomp,
const int_t  subset_size,
Teuchos::RCP< std::map< int_t, Conformal_Area_Def > >  conformal_subset_defs = Teuchos::null 

Initializes the data structures for the schema.

decomppointer to the decomposition class object
subset_sizeint_t of the subsets, (use -1 if conformals are defined for all subsets, otherwise all subsets without a conformal subset def will be square and assigned this subset size.
conformal_subset_defsOptional definition of conformal subsets
neighbor_idsA vector (of length num_pts) that contains the neighbor id to use when initializing the solution by neighbor value

◆ initialize_cross_correlation()

int_t DICe::Schema::initialize_cross_correlation ( Teuchos::RCP< Triangulation tri,
const Teuchos::RCP< Teuchos::ParameterList > &  input_params 

Create intial guess for cross correlation using epipolar lines and the camera parameters returns 0 if successful

triTriangulation that contains the camera params
input_paramsthe input params are needed to load the right image for processor 0

◆ local_field_value()

mv_scalar_type& DICe::Schema::local_field_value ( const int_t  local_id,
const DICe::field_enums::Field_Spec  spec 

Return the value of the given field at the given local id (must be local to this process)

local_idlocal ID of the subset
specthe Field_Spec of the requested field

◆ motion_detected()

bool DICe::Schema::motion_detected ( const int_t  subset_gid)

Returns true if the user has requested testing for motion in the frame and the motion was detected by diffing pixel values:

subset_gidthe global id of the subset to test for motion

◆ print_fields()

void DICe::Schema::print_fields ( const std::string &  fileName = "")

Print the field values to screen or to a file.

fileNameOptional file name

If fileName is empty, write the fields to the screen. If fielName is not empty, write the fields to a file (appending)

◆ project_right_image_into_left_frame()

void DICe::Schema::project_right_image_into_left_frame ( Teuchos::RCP< Triangulation tri,
const bool  reference 

projects the right image into the left frame (useful when the mapping between is highly nonlinear)

tria pointer to a triangulation that contains the projective parameters
referencetrue if the transformation should be applied to the reference image

◆ record_failed_step()

void DICe::Schema::record_failed_step ( const int_t  subset_gid,
const int_t  status,
const int_t  num_iterations 

Fail the current frame for this subset and move on to the next

subset_gidthe global id of the subset
statusthe reason for failure
num_iterationsthe number of iterations that took place before failure

◆ record_step()

void DICe::Schema::record_step ( Teuchos::RCP< Objective obj,
Teuchos::RCP< Local_Shape_Function shape_function,
const scalar_t sigma,
const scalar_t match,
const scalar_t gamma,
const scalar_t beta,
const scalar_t noise,
const scalar_t contrast,
const int_t  active_pixels,
const int_t  status,
const int_t  num_iterations 

Record the solution in the field arrays

objpointer to an objective class
shape_functionpointer to a shape function
sigmasigma value
matchmatch value
gammagamma value
betabeta value
noisenoise level value
contrastthe contrast level value
active_pixelsthe number of active pixels for this subset
statusstatus flag
num_iterationsthe number of iterations

◆ save_off_fields()

void DICe::Schema::save_off_fields ( const int_t  global_id)

Save off the current solution into the storage for frame n - 1 (only used if projection_method is VELOCITY_BASED)

global_idglobal ID of correlation point

◆ set_force_simplex()

void DICe::Schema::set_force_simplex ( Teuchos::RCP< std::set< int_t > >  ids)

forces simplex method for certain subsets

idsPointer to set of ids

◆ set_frame_range()

void DICe::Schema::set_frame_range ( const int_t  start_id,
const int_t  num_frames,
const int_t  frame_skip 

Sets the first frame's index

start_idthe index of the first frame (useful for cine files)
num_framesthe total number of frames in the analysis

◆ set_motion_window_params()

void DICe::Schema::set_motion_window_params ( Teuchos::RCP< std::map< int_t, Motion_Window_Params > >  motion_window_params)

Provide access to the the dimensions of windows around each subset used to detect motion between frames

◆ set_normalize_gamma_with_active_pixels()

void DICe::Schema::set_normalize_gamma_with_active_pixels ( const bool  flag)

True if the gamma values should be normalized by the number of active pixels

flagtrue if the gamma values should be normalized by the number of active pixels

◆ set_obstructing_subset_ids()

void DICe::Schema::set_obstructing_subset_ids ( Teuchos::RCP< std::map< int_t, std::vector< int_t > > >  id_vec)

EXPERIMENTAL sets the layering order of subets.

id_vecPointer to map of vectors, each vector contains the ids for that particular subset in the order they will be layered if they cross paths

If two subsets have the potential to cross each other's path, the Schema needs to know which one will be on top so that the pixels obscured on the lower subset can be turned off

◆ set_optical_flow_flags()

void DICe::Schema::set_optical_flow_flags ( Teuchos::RCP< std::map< int_t, bool > >  optical_flow_flags)

Provide access to the flags that determine if optical flow should be used as an initializer:

optical_flow_flagsthe map of optical flow flags

◆ set_params() [1/2]

void DICe::Schema::set_params ( const std::string &  params_file_name)

sets a schema's parameters with the name of a parameters xml file

params_file_nameFile name of the paramteres file

◆ set_params() [2/2]

void DICe::Schema::set_params ( const Teuchos::RCP< Teuchos::ParameterList > &  params)

If a schema's parameters are changed, set_params() must be called again any params that aren't set are reset to the default value (so this method can be used with a null params to reset the schema's parameters).

paramspointer to the prameterlist

◆ set_path_file_names()

void DICe::Schema::set_path_file_names ( Teuchos::RCP< std::map< int_t, std::string > >  path_file_names)

Provide access to the list of path file names:

path_file_namesthe map of path file names

◆ set_skip_solve_flags()

void DICe::Schema::set_skip_solve_flags ( Teuchos::RCP< std::map< int_t, std::vector< int_t > > >  skip_solve_flags)

Provide access to the flags that determine if the solve should be skipped:

skip_solve_flagsthe map of skip solve flags

◆ set_step_size() [1/2]

void DICe::Schema::set_step_size ( const int_t  step_size)

Sets the step sizes for this schema.

step_sizeStep size in the x and y-direction

◆ set_step_size() [2/2]

void DICe::Schema::set_step_size ( const int_t  step_size_x,
const int_t  step_size_y 

Sets the step sizes for this schema.

step_size_xStep size in the x-direction
step_size_yStep size in the y-direction

◆ set_subset_dim()

void DICe::Schema::set_subset_dim ( const int_t  subset_dim)

Sets the size of square subsets (not used for conformal)

subset_dimSquare size of the subsets

◆ step_size_x()

int_t DICe::Schema::step_size_x ( ) const

Returns the step size in x direction for a square subset

If this is a conformal analysis or if the subsets are not in a regular grid this returns -1

◆ step_size_y()

int_t DICe::Schema::step_size_y ( ) const

Returns the step size in y direction for a square subset

If this is a conformal analysis or if the subsets are not in a regular grid this returns -1

◆ strain_window_size()

int_t DICe::Schema::strain_window_size ( const int_t  post_processor_index) const

Returns the size of the strain window in pixels for the selected post_processor

post_processor_indexThe index of the post processor to get the window size for

◆ subset_dim()

int_t DICe::Schema::subset_dim ( ) const

Returns the size of a square subset

This is called subset_dim to discourage use as a call to subset_size subset_size does not exist for a conformal subset (there is no notion of width and height for conformal)

◆ subset_global_id()

int_t DICe::Schema::subset_global_id ( const int_t  local_id)

Return the global id of a subset local id

local_idthe input local id to tranlate to global

◆ subset_local_id()

int_t DICe::Schema::subset_local_id ( const int_t  global_id)

Return the local id of a subset global id

global_idthe input global id to tranlate to local

◆ update_extents()

void DICe::Schema::update_extents ( const bool  use_transformation_augmentation = false)

set the extents of the image to be used when only reading a portion of the image

use_transformation_augmentationtrue if the right image is being projected into the left frame of reference for each frame (typicaly only set to true for nonlinear projection in the cross correlation)

◆ write_control_points_image()

void DICe::Schema::write_control_points_image ( const std::string &  fileName,
const bool  use_def_image = false,
const bool  use_one_point = false 

Create an image that shows the correlation points.

fileNameString name of file to for output
use_def_imageTrue if the deformed image should be used, otherwise the reference image is used
use_one_pointTrue if only one correlation point should be used (helpful if the point density is high)

WARNING: This only works for square subsets.

◆ write_deformed_subset_intensity_image()

void DICe::Schema::write_deformed_subset_intensity_image ( Teuchos::RCP< Objective obj)

Write an image for each subset that shows the deformed intensities for this frame.

objpointer to the objective

◆ write_deformed_subsets_image()

void DICe::Schema::write_deformed_subsets_image ( const bool  use_gamma_as_color = false)

Write an image that shows all the subsets' current positions and shapes using the current field values.

WARNING: This is meant only for the TRACKING_ROUTINE where there are only a few subsets to track

use_gamma_as_colorcolors the pixels according to gamma values for each pixel

◆ write_deformed_subsets_image_new()

void DICe::Schema::write_deformed_subsets_image_new ( )

Write an image that shows all the subsets current position and shape field values from.

WARNING: This is meant only for the TRACKING_ROUTINE where there are only a few subsets to track

◆ write_output()

void DICe::Schema::write_output ( const std::string &  output_folder,
const std::string &  prefix = "DICe_solution",
const bool  separate_files_per_subset = false,
const bool  separate_header_file = false,
const bool  no_text_output = false 

Write the solution vector to a text file.

output_folderName of the folder for output (the file name is fixed)
prefixOptional string to use as the file prefix
separate_files_per_subsetForces the output to be one file per subset listing each frame on a new row. The default is one file per frame with all subsets listed one per row.
separate_header_fileplace the run information in another file rather than the header of the results
no_text_outputif true the text output files are not written

◆ write_reference_subset_intensity_image()

void DICe::Schema::write_reference_subset_intensity_image ( Teuchos::RCP< Objective obj)

Write an image for each subset that shows the reference intensities for this frame.

objpointer to the objective

◆ write_stats()

void DICe::Schema::write_stats ( const std::string &  output_folder,
const std::string &  prefix = "DICe_solution" 

Write the stats for a completed run.

output_folderName of the folder for output (the file name is fixed)
prefixOptional string to use as the file prefix

Member Data Documentation

◆ def_imgs_

std::vector<Teuchos::RCP<Image> > DICe::Schema::def_imgs_

Pointer to deformed image vector because there could be multiple sub-images

◆ disp_jump_tol_

double DICe::Schema::disp_jump_tol_

Displacement jump tolerance. If the displacement solution is larger than this from the previous frame it is rejected

◆ mesh_

Teuchos::RCP<DICe::mesh::Mesh> DICe::Schema::mesh_

The mesh holds the fields and subsets or elements and nodes For a schema using the subset formulation the parallel strategy is as follows: the subsets are split up into even goups on all procs. If seeds are involved or obstructions, the ordering and allocation of groups respects the order needed for seeds or obstructions. In the mesh an element and node are created for each subset for exodus output. The connectivity of the element only has one node and its gid corresponds to the subset gid (same for nodes). The element map and node distribution maps are forced to be identical in this case. In the element map, the processor ownership of subsets is one-to-one, i.e. each element is owned by only one processor. The dist node map matches the dist elem map (and is one-to-one). The overlap node map assigns all nodes to all processors. This map is used for post-processors and output from process 0 or anywhere an all to all communication is needed.

◆ motion_window_params_

Teuchos::RCP<std::map<int_t,Motion_Window_Params> > DICe::Schema::motion_window_params_

Map to hold the flags that determine if the next image should be tested for motion before doing the DIC

◆ prev_imgs_

std::vector<Teuchos::RCP<Image> > DICe::Schema::prev_imgs_

Pointer to previous image vector because there could be multiple sub-images

◆ skip_solve_flags_

Teuchos::RCP<std::map<int_t,std::vector<int_t> > > DICe::Schema::skip_solve_flags_

Map to hold the flags for skipping solves for particular subsets (initialize only since only pixel accuracy may be needed

◆ subset_dim_

int_t DICe::Schema::subset_dim_

Connectivity matrix for the global DIC method.

Square subset size (used only if subsets are not conformal)

◆ theta_jump_tol_

double DICe::Schema::theta_jump_tol_

Theta jump tolerance. If the theta solution is larger than this from the previous frame it is rejected